The Way of a Pilgrim
A Theology, Spirituality, Christian book. Incessant inner prayer is a continuous longing of the human...
Ova knjiga nije drugo nego upravo pokušaj opisati osobno iskustvo jednog ruskog pobožnika - bogotražitelja na njegovu putu traženja lica Božjega, na njegovu usavršavanju u poniznosti i u vježbanju i u postupnom postizavanju nutarnje, neprestane i žarke molitve.Već je u starini svaki Božji pobožnik imao svojeg učitelja - duhovnog oca. Već su prvi pustinjski oci poznavali duhovne oce ili starce.U kontekstu opisa hodočasnika, hodočašćenja i uloge staraca treba smjestiti i samu poruku ove knjige. Kao prvu poruku, čini se, možemo uzeti hezihaistički pristup učenju Isusove molitve. Grčka riječ hesihia znači sabranost, tišinu, vanjsku i unutarnju samoću, sjedinjenje s Bogom. To je način molitve i molitvenog držanja svojstven monasima i svjetovnjacima koji se žele posvetiti Bogu u sjedinjenju s njime preko neprestane molitve...ISBN 9531510431
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 137 pages
- ISBN: 9781570622014 / 1570622019
More About The Way of a Pilgrim
[] San Juan Crisstomo, entonces, no nos lo habra pedido, sin embargo ha escrito en sus enseanzas sobre la oracin: Nadie puede decir que quien est empeado en las ocupaciones de la vida y lejos del templo no est en disposicin de orar. All donde ests puedes ofrecer tu oracin a Dios en tu mente. Por tanto se puede orar, tambin, mientras se est comerciando, mientras se viaja, mientras se vende en el mercado o se trabaja en la propia tienda. Se puede orar en cualquier lugar. Anonymous, El peregrino ruso THE CONFESSION OF AN INTERIOR MAN, LEADING TO HUMILITY Turning my gaze at myself and attentively observing the course of my interior life I am convinced, through experience, that I love neither God nor my neighbor, that I have no faith, and that I am full of pride and sensuality. This realization is the result of careful examination of my feelings and actions. I do not love God. For if I loved Him, then I would be constantly thinking of Helen Bacovcin, The Way of a Pilgrim San Macario el Grande escribe: Orar, de un modo u otro (pero con asiduidad) es competencia de nuestra voluntad, pero orar de la manera justa es un don de la gracia[52]. Anonymous, El peregrino ruso
Phenomenal. Such direct, earnest prose while simultaneously extremely rich and beautiful. This feature of the book itself mirrors the content i.e. the way The Jesus Prayer is so simple and accessible, yet spiritually opens depth upon depth. If you are Orthodox, or familiar with Orthodoxy, I recommend saving the reading of the annotations... Even though there were things I didn't like about the way the book is written, the major theme/lesson of the book has changed my life. It's only 90 pages and I'd say it's well worth the read. It's a bit hard to rate this book. I enjoyed it a lot. As another reviewer stated, it seems like a big advertisement for the Jesus Prayer, but more than that it seemed like an advertisement for the Philokalia as a way to cultivate interior prayer. And, frankly, after reading it, I did really want to read the specific segments from the...